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Kneeboard is a blast. Have been doing that a few years now. I still enjoy it. Im sure wakeboarding wont completely take its place but it may take over a lil. Either way I think I just added another addiction to my list.
Kneeboard is a blast. Have been doing that a few years now. I still enjoy it. Im sure wakeboarding wont completely take its place but it may take over a lil. Either way I think I just added another addiction to my list.

i agree... i learned on a kneeboard. even today still give up the wakin for a kneeboard. popped a femur about 4 yrs ago so hip is loose in socket and kneeboardin tends to make it loose, but i still love ridin.....

hope you have fun on the lake today, colby.... lucky bastard :D
Haha. Getting ready to leave in about half hour. Waiting on the (soon to be) wife to get home from work. Then it will be time for run in the sun. Ill be thinkin of ya all while im out on the water all weekend and having a few beers. This is my bachelor party weekend so boating all weekend with skeet shooting tomorrow morning then who know what else they have in store for me. Im sure ill enjoy it all though

Here are some more tips...

To get up:
1. Pull your knees to your chest.
2. Wrap your arms around your knees.
3. Let the boat do the work. You should not have to work to get up.
4. Depends on what kind of boat, but you should not have to go to WOT to get up. A good driver helps greatly on getting up. Try to find someone that knows what they are doing.
5. After the boat starts wait a couple of seconds before you try to stand. Men are the hardest to teach because they want to stand up immediatly. You got to get some water pressure built up first.
6. Don't let go with your back hand, See # 1 Below. Pull the rope to the hip that will be in front. (General rule: Kick a ball with your right foot, left foot goes forward and vice versa)

Staying up.
1. Keep your arms straight. DO NOT PULL ON THE ROPE! If you pull on the rope, you can not make small adjustments required to keep your balance.

2. Both palms should be facing down. Put a small amount of pressure on your plams so that the pull from the rope is coming from your center of gravity (hips).

3. Bend your knees slightly to absorb boat wakes etc.

4. It is likely that you will take off over the left wake (port). Go with it until you figure things out.

5. Relax. Overcorrecting is the biggest mistake I see.

:cheers2: and welcome to a highly addictive sport!

Boating etiquitte:

1. When a rider falls do not do a power turn. Take the boat to idle and turn within your wake. This will lessen the impact of your wake on yourself and others and it is safer to get back around to the fallen rider.

2. Drive a straight line. Again is safer, will minimize the wake on others, and will result in a better pull for the rider.

Very well said!! i have NO problem getting up! its all in the drive on this..i was pulled buy a ski boat and it took him forever to pull me up, but i got pulled buy a mastercraft boat with a 400hp 8.1 and he would pull me out with about 1/4 gas! so no the boat and have a little talk with the drive is if are having problems getting up tell him more throttle, less throttle, and when your up work out hand singnels with the driver/spotter if you need him to slowdown/speed up!! but anyways pwork put it in the best words!! oh, and my wakeboard is a obrien "player" 133

and as pwork said welcome to a highly addictive sport!
Been a while since I have posted on this thread. Well. I have mastered the getting up, (and the falling down too)lol.. I actually can get up with no problem and have moved on to switching feet(stance) and started a little jumping. Its kinda hard when I usually only get one weekend every month or two to hit the water. Im hooked though and am glad I invested in a board.
Great news colby, glad to hear it worked out for you! It takes time on the water to get comfortable...in no time you'll be going upside down...on purpose!

Been about a week since we've been out, but I'm heading to the lake tonight. The wife's been out on the boat tanning all day...must be nice.
Our biggest downfall is we dont have a tower on the boat we use. Nor do we know anyone with a tower. So it makes alot of the jumps a little more difficult. I still am able to get 6ft of air on the knee board. I couldnt imagine what I would get with a tower.
Our biggest downfall is we dont have a tower on the boat we use. Nor do we know anyone with a tower. So it makes alot of the jumps a little more difficult. I still am able to get 6ft of air on the knee board. I couldnt imagine what I would get with a tower.

probably the same, maybe a hair more. all the tower does it make it easier (read: more leverage) to pull yourself out the water. more hang time too......

towers are so nice. :ihih:
Its to the point now that its a cake walk to get outta the water on the wakeboard without the tower so i couldnt imagine with a tower. I just figured with the tower it would help on jumps since its pulling out up and outta(off) the water vs through straight line. We are in the process of doing a little moddin to the knee board so it doesnt kill my ankles. Im 6'5 and have always had ankle problems throughout my life playing sports. Sitting on my ankles/feet on the knee board sucks. I usually can only ride/jump for a couple laps around the lake before I have to take a break. This past weekend I took a childs life jacket to put between the board and my ankle to help keep my ankle in a normal (not flat) position. I was able to ride for about 5 min and did numerous jumps and took some pretty choppy runs through the middle of the lake with no discomfort. We are gonna make up a (more) permanant type of *cushion* to take care of the issue.
Its to the point now that its a cake walk to get outta the water on the wakeboard without the tower so i couldnt imagine with a tower. I just figured with the tower it would help on jumps since its pulling out up and outta(off) the water vs through straight line.

you're correct, it does help. makes it easier. personally, i dont see much difference in height though. however it does make stunting a whole lot easier. no more draggin that rope in the water to yank you over on your face..... :D

We are in the process of doing a little moddin to the knee board so it doesnt kill my ankles. Im 6'5 and have always had ankle problems throughout my life playing sports. Sitting on my ankles/feet on the knee board sucks. I usually can only ride/jump for a couple laps around the lake before I have to take a break. This past weekend I took a childs life jacket to put between the board and my ankle to help keep my ankle in a normal (not flat) position. I was able to ride for about 5 min and did numerous jumps and took some pretty choppy runs through the middle of the lake with no discomfort. We are gonna make up a (more) permanant type of *cushion* to take care of the issue.

i have a similar problem, but i'm a midget... only 6"3".... :D. however, at 290 lbs, i keep busting the leg strap. replaced it 4 times, too much strain for it i guess. i've learned to ride without it, just grab some edge when you off the water to keep it under you. only thing that sucks is when you forget.... come down and there's no board, you're like "WTF?!? OH SHIIII...... WHACK!!!!" :smilielol5:

i learned on a kneeboard and as much as i enjoy wakeboarding, i still gotta go back to the roots for some kneeboard action. i gotta agree with you on the time though. seems like 5 minutes of banging around on that thing and the ankles are protesting pretty loudly..... oh well, the price we pay to beat ourselves up on the water.:cornut:
We bought a wakeboard in 04. Not knowing any better I was the first one to try it.
We tried to get me up (6' 240lbs) the same way we did with the ski's. my arms are now about 3 inches longer than they used to be.:pat: We asked later and found out that you start off slow and just gradually increase the throttle. the board just wants to pop out.
my son had it mastered in no time (he was 11 at time). He now does some cool stuff, jumps both wakes, does a 180 in air . no flips yet but I really don't have the proper boat for boardin. its a 18.5 bowrider with the 4.3. Tower with a bladder would be the cats a** for boardin.
We also are limited to Lake conditions as we are on lake Huron. The lake can blow up pretty quick but when its nice it is awesome. Miles of lake with all kinds of room.

PS I get out and board (at 47 ) all my friends try and can't get out (most are younger than me) so I get to call their manliness into to question. ITS Great...:D
2nd PS Thats Lake Huron in my avatar.
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