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Vbulliten vs. VBadvanced


What T F, over
Reaction score
Nashport, Ohio
I don't know what this is but... since tapatalk doesn't have and APP for a windows phone I must use a 'full site' browser. Not a big deal.. Is there an app that works other than tapatalk?

So..something in the TTS software makes my pop up keyboard go away when trying to post/type..

Over at pats site (duramax diesels dot com [VBadvanced]) I'm able to post via my smartphone.. (HTC 8X running Win8)

Just curious more than anything.. If the two sites are drastically different software then so be it. No need to worry about any big time changes here..

But if it's something simple (my device or TTS) then enlighten me. :)

A few screen shots as my pop up keyboard disappears.. :(

not sure...I don't use tapatalk...I use the full browser when I visit any site...but I do notice when I want to type anything here(at TTS only)I have to click the switch editor to source mode button shown below...one of the updates to the site did this, which one I don't recall, but I have been experiencing this issue for at least a 8-12 months now...btw:I'm using an android device


android problem.jpg
Thanks for the suggestion Pepp. Unfortunately it did not work. That source mode button on my phone is 'grayed out'. Can't select it. Hmmmn.
Thanks for the suggestion Pepp. Unfortunately it did not work. That source mode button on my phone is 'grayed out'. Can't select it. Hmmmn.

what is the editor mode in your user cp set to?

mine is set to advanced I believe...whatever you have your preferences set to for when you are at home on your laptop or desktop will be your settings when on mobile...
Full WYSIWYG editor? Switched it, saved it, logged off.

Logged in on phone, still notta. (button grayed) Interestingly, I can log in via phone no problem. That's on the main forum page or when you select 'reply with quote' not logged, I can log in at the dialog box.

Touch in the reply window, keyboard pops up for a second then back down.. Same same.
Oooo! Found it! Or found a workaround...

Full WYSIWYG editor then 'go advanced' for reply.

Thanks for the extra smarts, Pepp :)
what is your editor setting in your user cp for the site? enhanced Standard or Basic(would be under general settings)mine is set to enhanced...maybe thats why I have the source button when on android?
So now we can post the replies, now we hafta figure out how to post the pics... from the phone using 'manage attachments'... So far notta.

Pepp, your 'ticker factory' is starting to depress me.

But I mean, thanks for your help. :D