Will L.
Well-Known Member
The problem with MOOG is they sell 2 lines. They sell there premium built in the USA in the federal mogul plant problem solver line, but to be competitive they started selling a cheaper made in china line. Many buy the cheaper line thinking it's the same thing, just at a better price, and then trash talk them once they get them and see they bought made in china. That said, quality on most everything has dropped in the last few years. AC DELCO now has most everything made in China by other aftermarket manufacturers and reboxxes it for resale. I still think MOOG problem solver is about as good as you can get. Just my $.02.
Your two cents hit the fastball out of the park and half way across the city. My wife does FB so I had her do some searches and show me the trash talk on it. They are running the cheapest parts expecting the best results.
AC Delco has the professional line of parts for many of the things they make as well as economy parts. Many companies do it, and with online quick price based purchasing increasing- it won’t go away.
Ruining your name is a risk taken by offering cheaper parts. Putting a wazoo name on your best parts is to ID to the informed consumer and attempt to protect your name. But really they should just call the cheap junk “economy” or something, not just use their name alone. But branding your cheapest line “cheapest crap you can buy” doesn’t close the sell.
It is a marketing plan that can work, but they really need to advertise there is basic level and top quality product both offered. I have seen no real difference advertised from either of the 2 companies mentioned, and am sure there is a dozen more doing the same thing.
I think it will take many consumers explaining it to them before they learn to advertise it and “teach” the customer base the difference. That will in the end fix the confusion and protect their product name.