Serial Post Whore in the making...
Oh yeah, It does everything i ask it too, Its truly one awesome piece of machinery!!
We just Got power on after 5 days with out Due to Hurricane Ike remnants,
Tons of snapped tree limbs and braches between my House and my fathers,
I thank God i had this handy machine to help cleanup, it was amazing the tree limbs i could lift and drag to the brush pile. We'd still be cleaningup if i didnt have this machine.
Also moved roughly 116 ton of fill for my new garage, This machine isnt as fast as a skid steer but made easy work of moving and grading, This Bucket is one awesome tool.
And mowing is FUN now!
I NEVER want to be with out my Deere, i have 24 trouble free hours so far and before i know it i'll be doing the 50 hour service.
Did i mention i Love it?? :thumbsup:
Well I am so glad too hear that there you are happy with it. How big a garage you building??