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Tuning and Programming the 6.5

From my experience Heath tunes meet that requirement very well, I run the GL4 which is the performance oriented program, the Max E program according to Bill is the one you want for ecomomy.

I think so. I'll talk to Heath when it comes closer to purchase time.

The weight of my truck, I think I'm better off with the Max E program than the 'race' program.
I bought a GL4 today! Should get it in about a week. I got it cause Bill thought it might let me get a few more miles out of my tranny, before I had to rebuild it. Just so you know he said that they are working on a OBD2 TCC computer mod also. Not real high on the priority list but he's trying to keep it cheap and include it in with the computer. Also said when it comes out those of us who already have GL4s can get an upgrade for a nominal fee and not have to buy a new one.
I bought a GL4 today! Should get it in about a week. I got it cause Bill thought it might let me get a few more miles out of my tranny, before I had to rebuild it. Just so you know he said that they are working on a OBD2 TCC computer mod also. Not real high on the priority list but he's trying to keep it cheap and include it in with the computer. Also said when it comes out those of us who already have GL4s can get an upgrade for a nominal fee and not have to buy a new one.

Thats great news!
For what it's worth, I have been extremely happy with my Max-E-Tork. This tune was advertised as 40HP and it made a huge difference in the truck.
I am probably averaging about 15 to 16 with mixed city and highway and getting about 18 or 19 on the road at 65. Where it really shined when was when I moved from Minnesota to NC and I had about 10K on an 18' trailer. I was averaging about 14 at 65 on the flat runs. IN the mountains of WV, I dropped back to about 9 or 10 but I was able to maintain at least 55 on all the grades. Most of them I maintained 60 or better with EGT's below 1100*. Needless to say, I am extremely pleased with the results.
Got my Heath GL4 installed today. Waiting on my HO LP and Heavy Duty water pump and fan kit to arrive.