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Trip and upgrades report................


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The dust has finally settled and I have some time to write this. I went up to Cali from my home in Mexico for the holidays. It was 6 days of driving, three up and three back down. Just over 3500 miles. I left with a stock exhaust, flat airbox and 4 bad shocks. Oh yea and I had never had my rebuilt IP timed on a computer. The trip up was uneventfull.
Waiting for me at my moms house in SoCal was a new Diamond Eye exhaust and 4 new KYB Monomax shocks (amongst tons of other stuff). But before any of that went on I went up to Fullerton to take up BigT on his gracious offer to time the IP. That turned out to be more time consuming than he thought but after a few hours and a In and OUT burger meal I was on my way back to my moms place. Another big thank you to BigT:thumbsup:.
Next day I finally located a complete K47 airbox at Gallant Truck Salvage in Oceanside Ca. I then installed that and the new exhaust system plus shocks. OMG this can´t be the same truck I just spent 3 days in?? That exhaust really woke my motor up. Well that and the IP tune and airbox.
We had a great time over Xmas and new years and it was time to go home. I had that poor old Sub loaded to the hilt. Even the rack on top was packed. It ran cooler with more power and handled so much better than the drive up it was crazy. The gas mileage was about the same but I was hauling probably close to a ton of stuff.
So now with over 215,000 on the clock back home and unloaded I like this truck more than ever. Thanks to everyone for your advice and to the vendors here. gus
Excellent news. It's always great to have instant gratification from an upgrade.
Big :thumbsup: to Big-T for hookin' a brutha up!
nice! The exhaust is definitely the most noticeable first step upgrade.

... Time for a performance tune to really wake it up :)
Next step get an ATT or other turbo to get rid of the POS GMx turbo and you will really wake your 6.5 up.