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Today's dilemna........dead truck..........

Can you link to the PCM thru the OBDII diagnostic port, when the truck is no start condition......Sounds like what happens when the "Ghost" comes.

Check the 3 Grounds on the back of the intake, pay special attention to the one on the Trans dipstick......See if those studs/nuts/connections are clean tight and bright.....This is the ground to the PCM along with the other 2 on the intake stud.
Forgot about the bleeder at the ffm being before the filter. Gotta order the Racor primary tomorrow, and will be Wednesday before I got time to get to the truck again. If I can find time, I'll do the ffm filter tomorrow.

The grounds at back of passenger head, and dipstick were shined up right pretty on Saturday. They really werent bad since they were done back in July, but as stated I cleaned 'em ALL again on Saturday.

Brooklyn, not sure what the "ghost" is, but remember, I'm a '94....OBD I.

Edit: I did bend the spades on the fuse a bit, and flipped it both ways to be certain. No dice.