recently received a fuel filter fuel pressure fitting, the one that screws onto the top of the filter housing, from Leroy, and it only took 10 mins to connect. other than me dropping it and having to dig it out of the abyss, which was my fault. started the truck and there is NO pressure on the gauge!
i have been having trouble starting the 96. didn't matter if the weather was warm or cold. engine warm would start good. had raw fuel from exhaust i was told but i still suspected the injectors. didn't want to do that because there are so many knock-offs out there, it was a crap-shoot. GP's checked good as well as the relay. i heard the LP running on GP cycle but it is the OG so i think it is worn. might also be from the Veg mix i use.
on descent from a tall overpass. it would jerk, like it was either losing fuel or cruise was skipping. on steady acceleration, it would do the same, hesitate, as if it was starving. didn't want to keep driving it like this because i have heard that the IP is a very important part for the engine to operate.
i am getting another LP from the FLAPS and will see if the pressure and acceleration comes back.
i highly recommend this easy and very affordable mod. there are no fuel lines to cut and it's simple. it's also stainless!
i have been having trouble starting the 96. didn't matter if the weather was warm or cold. engine warm would start good. had raw fuel from exhaust i was told but i still suspected the injectors. didn't want to do that because there are so many knock-offs out there, it was a crap-shoot. GP's checked good as well as the relay. i heard the LP running on GP cycle but it is the OG so i think it is worn. might also be from the Veg mix i use.
on descent from a tall overpass. it would jerk, like it was either losing fuel or cruise was skipping. on steady acceleration, it would do the same, hesitate, as if it was starving. didn't want to keep driving it like this because i have heard that the IP is a very important part for the engine to operate.
i am getting another LP from the FLAPS and will see if the pressure and acceleration comes back.
i highly recommend this easy and very affordable mod. there are no fuel lines to cut and it's simple. it's also stainless!