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thanx Leroy, PMDCABLE, for the fuel pressure fitting


Diesel Beginner
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recently received a fuel filter fuel pressure fitting, the one that screws onto the top of the filter housing, from Leroy, and it only took 10 mins to connect. other than me dropping it and having to dig it out of the abyss, which was my fault. started the truck and there is NO pressure on the gauge!
i have been having trouble starting the 96. didn't matter if the weather was warm or cold. engine warm would start good. had raw fuel from exhaust i was told but i still suspected the injectors. didn't want to do that because there are so many knock-offs out there, it was a crap-shoot. GP's checked good as well as the relay. i heard the LP running on GP cycle but it is the OG so i think it is worn. might also be from the Veg mix i use.
on descent from a tall overpass. it would jerk, like it was either losing fuel or cruise was skipping. on steady acceleration, it would do the same, hesitate, as if it was starving. didn't want to keep driving it like this because i have heard that the IP is a very important part for the engine to operate.
i am getting another LP from the FLAPS and will see if the pressure and acceleration comes back.
i highly recommend this easy and very affordable mod. there are no fuel lines to cut and it's simple. it's also stainless!
put it in and pressure is around 7, best i can with the gauge i'm using. will know in the morn i will see if it makes a diff on cranking.
i couldn't leave it alone and had to tear it open to see where the failure was. can you spot it? it will be in one of the pics below:









all the rubber parts were hard and dry feeling. don't know for sure how old it was because i can't remember if i replaced it in the 11 years i've had it.
Neat I like dissections. I spy with my little eye a gap in the piston O ring. :thumbsup:

that little eye don't lie!
i saved the brass sleeve, will make a good low pressure tubing connector. salvaged the copper for the next run to the scrappers.
Basically the lesson here is if you have a 6.2/6.5 with a electric lift pump and you don't know when it was replaced replace it now, before it leaves you sitting. Can I get an amen? :driving:
Basically the lesson here is if you have a 6.2/6.5 with a electric lift pump and you don't know when it was replaced replace it now, before it leaves you sitting. Can I get an amen? :driving:
or it ruins the LP, Amen.
cranked up this morn with just a little bit of turning. had my fingers crossed. got about 20 mins down the road and it started acting the same way. missing, cutting out and then rpm's started dropping. pulled over, called work, waited 10 mins and it cranked right up. 5 mins later, on the way back home, it started again. took 1 1/2 hours longer to gat back home but i have a PMD coming in and will be cleaning the IP screen. not acting like injectors so it just as well might be IP. have codes, 251 370. here is a similar incident, no outcome though:http://www.thetruckstop.us/forum/showthread.php?32249-P0370-P0251-codes-again
might be IP..............
ak diesel driver, tank sock hasn't been touched. i am getting a steady 7 psi though.

L98TPI, fuel pressure is steady all the time, i kept an eye on it while it was bucking.

picked up a PMD, OUCH! i'm not gonna say how much that was. thought i would be able to disconnect the harness, plug in the new one then test it out. harness wouldn't move because of the little room there is.
any tricks to getting PMD connection off without removing intake?
i have a heat sink that i mounted it to. was gonna put it under the hood for now until i got an extension cable from Leroy.
take a small straight blade screwdriver and slide it under the locking tab and then continue to push it off. after it's unplugged take a coat hangar and bend a hook in it and reach in and grab it (the connector).
i have heard that the IP is a very important part for the engine to operate.
i am getting another LP from the FLAPS and will see if the pressure and acceleration comes back.
i highly recommend this easy and very affordable mod. there are no fuel lines to cut and it's simple. it's also stainless!

Thanks David, glad you could use the FPT finally. You do need a better gauge though.
I have also heard the IP is important for the engine to run. Does your engine have a turbo! man I bet its fast if it does!

What is FLAPS?
Friendly Local Auto Parts Store.
and man, it IS fast, when it runs.
AK, i will use that tech info if i find out what it could be. i am having a diag today, hopefully that will shed some light.
the one thing i hate about auto work: throwing darts in the dark expecting to hit the target. so much time/money's wasted replacing good parts.
heard back, says it shows vac pump. would this cause the symptoms i described?
anyways, i have a couple of them on a shelf i will swap with.
BTW, this is a great article.
i had a diagnostics being run by the stealer. all i want to say is: ASE Certified doesn't mean s%#t!! he said on the phone that it was the vac pump causing the codes and they couldn't see the line from the solenoid leading to the actuator. well, there it was when i looked at it myself, right where i had it disconnected. amazingly, all the codes for vac were stored instead of active after i connected it back. this truck wasn't gonna make them any money so they didn't drive it around hooked up, that's a fact. after the codes were cleared, drove it home and VOILA! it was doing the same thing as before as in post #7 above. i didn't make him feel like a man on the phone because it took him 12 hours to connect the reader and tell me it had no vac. he didn't charge me and i feel he should of paid me for the trouble.
back to square one. idles great, cuts out above 50 and then after that it won't maintain speed, bucking and dies.
any ideas. i have a new PMD i can hook up. i will have to wait till Sunday to look at the sock. don't feel like it's the injectors but i could be wrong, been there before. might even be the IP. it has 190,000, IP has 100,000 and injectors 190,000.
Your truck is a 96 with that few of miles on those parts? Im running 235,000 miles and that on stock ip and all but one injector is original. I beat the hell out of this truck.

I dont understand these inconsistencies with these ips. You run wvo right? i wouldnt be surprised if that fuel screwed some things up. I dont think these ips like anything except straight fuel. Well idk thinking out load i guess

Good luck getting it running good again.
it was acting up before i started running wvo. don't run straight, it's a mix and only 50%.
Them stealerships suck! big time rip off, your super lucky they didnt charge you, but if i was in your shoes and they tried to charge me for that bull i would flip on um lol

I ran bio diesel a few times but the station went belly up. The bio is cheaper and i noticed no decline in performance. Never tried wvo though.
if your not getting lower fuel pressure when it acts up then that should rule out fuel supply. makes me wonder if it's electronic. if it was the optic sensor or crank sensor you'd think it would code