Serial Post Whore in the making...
Did the brake service on my 04 (all wheel disc, love them.
). Slider pins in the rear Right were near dry, cane up ok though. First service since November, no shop/ garage to do them in.,
I am using Kleenex flo synthetic brake grease, but wondered what others were using?? May try something different for the July service.
Sent from my iPod Touch using Tapatalk, as if anybody actually gave a sh!t if it was a desktop, laptop, crackberry, I-phone or freakin' morse code or for that matter smoke signals...
I am using Kleenex flo synthetic brake grease, but wondered what others were using?? May try something different for the July service.
Sent from my iPod Touch using Tapatalk, as if anybody actually gave a sh!t if it was a desktop, laptop, crackberry, I-phone or freakin' morse code or for that matter smoke signals...