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Still not fixed


Well-Known Member
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Fabius, NY
OK, as you all know i put in a new ignition swithc, and key lock cylinder. Tried to start the truck today, damn starter stuck on again when i turned it to start. WTF is goin on?? The starter is only a year old, but it is a chinese ebay job that i only paid 100 bucks for. But when i plug the power back up to the truck the starter is off. It is only when i turn the key to start is when it sticks on. SO the only two parts of the system left that could be in question is the starter itself, and the batteries. What do you guys think. TOmorrow i am goin to take the batteries to the auto store and get them tested. THey are old... not a good day....:mad2::mad2::mad2::wtf::rant:
Not battery(s), but have them checked - starter solenoid sticking or shorting wiring at the......................
Low voltage and it will just click, not hang on - best bet is to get up under there and look - I'm having a little difficulty in seeing it from where I sit - knowwhuttimean, jellybean?.............

If it's manual trans, make sure it is in NEUTRAL and the brakes are locked when you crawl under
Not battery(s), but have them checked - starter solenoid sticking or shorting wiring at the......................


Perhaps get a solonoid from a ford or something similar and just wire it separately. Better off, all the starters I replaced in this 6.5, 3 of them, was all solonoid related.

Careful, there are Ford relays/solenoids made in china too. They will do the same thing you are experiencing.

Easier wire to yank off, and easier to swap out just the solonioid if its failed. Mount it on the firewall where you can get to it easy.

I've always thought that is a better system than the starter mounted ones.
If it is the solenoid this will be my 5TH starter:eek:, i would wire a ford soleniod in but they are like 20 somethin bucks tha i dont have right now, plus wire and stuff....
If it is the solenoid this will be my 5TH starter:eek:, i would wire a ford soleniod in but they are like 20 somethin bucks tha i dont have right now, plus wire and stuff....

But its cheaper than a starter for sure. And you know your starter cranks fine, thats for sure too.
Even putting the ford solenoid in how will it stop the solenoid on the starter from cranking when i turn the key back from start to run? WOnt i still have my issue, since my solenoid is still on down there? Im thinking what if its the contacts in the starter itself?? I might just go out and buy another starter. I really need the truck by monday.....I have an oem delco starter that came wiht my new engine but i dont want to risk the chance in ruining it without the starter brace....
If you pull the selenoid apart there is a round disc that is the contact. Sometimes you can clean them up by sanding on them and the other half. You might try increasing the spring pressure in it so it will back off easier. If you use the Ford selenoid you are bypassing the one on the starter. You'll only be using the big wires.
Hmmmm, maybe i will go to the junkyard tomorrow also to find a few of these ford solenoids. So thats the sesus? Try the ford starter and call her a day?? So then i just pull the "signal" wire to the ford solenoid where i mount it and it will shut the power off to the starter? SO then my solenoid on the starter will be a dummy solenoid? Useless? So i will also need to get a wire to go from my battery to the ford solenoid, then hook my starter wire to the other side. WIll the ford solenoid be havy duty enough?? FOr 2x the current for two batteries? DO they use the same relays in the ford 7.3 diesels?
Dude, there's millions of these trucks on the road all over the world that start dozens of times every day without F**d start solenoids (one uv 'em even sits in my driveway!) - get up outta yer computer chair, walk outside, get up under yer truck, have a look-see at the starter wiring - nothing wrong, drop the starter, pop the solenoid open, have a look-see at the internals - post pics fer intense diagnosis, analysis, and works-fine-lasts-a-long-time resolution.................
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Dude, there's millions of these trucks on the road all over the world that start dozens of times every day without F**d start solenoids (one uv 'em even sits in my driveway!) - get up outta yer computer chair, walk outside, get up under yer truck, have a look-see at the starter wiring - nothing wrong, drop the starter, pop the solenoid open, have a look-see at the internals - post pics fer intense diagnosis, analysis, and works-fine-lasts-a-long-time resolution.................

Worth a shot I agree. Sometimes you Texas folk forget that those of us who live in the salt areas that things DO NOT COME APART. All my starters I've taken off I couldn't even get the small turn on lead wire off without breaking the bolt, not to mention taking apart small parts.

FYI DS, if you have trouble, CUT THE WIRE and splice it back in, do not try to undo the small bolt if you think it wont undo. They snap very easily, and if it does, it will make repairing the current starter that much tougher.

That said again, I wonder how many starter's i would be on if I could have replaced the cheap solonoid, instead of the entire starter motor which still turned over fine on all 3 of my starters.
Hmmmm.....may be some truth in that, but TD lives in Gautier Ms, 450yds from the ocean, works all along the Gulf Coast, and I don't remember helping him install a F**d start solenoid on his 6.5 when he was here

However, if you're gonna doit, go get some F**d starter cables'n'stuff, do it right - plus, I think that F**d oval emblem attaches with double-sticky tape, so you won't even have to drill your tailgate to mount that..................
OK, finally, made some progress. First thing today went out and looked for just a solenoid. Well lets just say its cheaper to buy a whole starter. The solenoids costed MORE than the starter and solenoid put together. So f-that and went home disappointed. Took the starter off, an pulled the solenoid out.The solenoid tested GOOD. However the starter itself had a fishy feel ot it. The forks that the solenoid operated were seperated and moved sperately instead of together. SO diagnosis, starter was jamming, thus the solenoid couldnt shut the starter off. SO i took the other starter i had, started removing the nuts off the studs, and of course as matt said broke the signal wire stud. So i had to switch the solenoid and the starter and reinstalled. Hit the key a few times to bump it to see if it was stickin, and no. Tried to start and no battery power. Charged em up and she fired. It cranks real slow however, so i dont know how long this is going to last.... The starter really need to be rebuilt because it it so old. SO it was the starter itself, NOT the solenoid...... Cheap chinese sh!t....:mad2::mad2:
STARTER COUNT: #5......:mad2::mad2:
Tho't you said the batteries checked good? Sounds like you gots umpteen problems piling up
THey are good, but remember, when it first stuck on it cranked for 30 seconds at work. THen i towed it home and it sat for 2 weeks, then i tried it again yesturday and it cranked for about 20 seconds until the batts just let it click. So im sure they have been drained from sitting and cranking. Also remember i have many parasites hooked up in the cab.....
Gotcha - haven't been keeping up with ur threads till now - fully charge'em and try again..................
Excessive cranking and low batteries can cause many of starter problems. We had a New Holland 785 skid steer that would eat a starter every 6 months. No matter who rebuilt them, or what brand we bought, they would all fry. We attributed the problem to it being hard starting, thus excessive cranking...which would draw down the batteries, and eventually ruin the starter. I would make sure your batteries are 100% before buying any more starters.