A GM1 has a spring can wastegate. You open the wastegate and boost falls off. So the GM4 without the wastegate wired shut has lost boost. No boost means smoke and you hit a brick wall of No Power. If the GM1 wastegate froze up stuck shut you get all kinds of boost and likely why you had to so major engine work.
I humbly suggest you get the proper wastegate control on the GM4 turbo. http://leroydiesel.com/product-category/turbo/
In depth on turbos and the difference they make on this engine. Other turbo's have come on the scene since I wrote this:
I humbly suggest you get the proper wastegate control on the GM4 turbo. http://leroydiesel.com/product-category/turbo/
In depth on turbos and the difference they make on this engine. Other turbo's have come on the scene since I wrote this:
The 6.5L Diesel Factory Equipped Asthma Attack
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