New Member
Konstan,Here is the step by step with pictures.
Step 0. This is serious business. Get yourself some plastic trays (harbor freight sells them) for sorting and labeling all the screws, or do what I did and use the small clear plastic sandwich bags. Makes the assembly go _a_lot_ easier:
Step 1. Initial preparation. Disconnect the "-" battery terminals on both batteries. Remove the Air Bag Fuse (#10, 10 AMP). Then remove the center console and the driver's seat. These are fairly easy so I did not bother photographing this step. The two rear nuts that hold the console to the floor are a pain but you can get 'em with a wrench, it just takes forever.
Step 2. Remove the dash bezel. Disconnect the headlight switch, the cargo light switch and the 4x4 switch if equipped. Remove the knee panel in front of the driver's seat. There are three screws along the bottom of this panel that are holding it in place, and several more metal snap things along its top, just gently pry them out.
Step 3. Remove metal plate #1 under the steering column:
Remove metal plate #2:
Is there any way you can fix the links to the broken images?
Going to be doing this soon and anything helps