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Recovery Tank

with the recovery tank being pressurized, I don't think other gasser trucks will have the same connection sizes. I'm sure you could rig something up to work temporarily but my vote would be to convert it to the older style 94 and older system that uses a radiator cap on the radiator, then the recovery tank is not a pressurized one.

rig it now while you save your coins for a solid aluminum champion radiator with cap!

Oh and welcome to the forum @Brad4him
with the recovery tank being pressurized, I don't think other gasser trucks will have the same connection sizes. I'm sure you could rig something up to work temporarily but my vote would be to convert it to the older style 94 and older system that uses a radiator cap on the radiator, then the recovery tank is not a pressurized one.

rig it now while you save your coins for a solid aluminum champion radiator with cap!

Oh and welcome to the forum @Brad4him
Thanks dbrannon79. As you suggested, I am on the hunt for a suitable tank with a cap. Always up for a little fabrication.