Been around a bit
It's all in the Prep
yeah,, it's really all in the prep, as you Must get all the old stuff off, and clean the glass. They give you a little alcohol square,, to clean with,, But that ain't enough.
Brake Kleen or Prep Solvent,, is what the shops use,, as it removes all trace's of oil, and dries with no residue. That I think is the key to have success or not. ):h
yeah,, it's really all in the prep, as you Must get all the old stuff off, and clean the glass. They give you a little alcohol square,, to clean with,, But that ain't enough.
Brake Kleen or Prep Solvent,, is what the shops use,, as it removes all trace's of oil, and dries with no residue. That I think is the key to have success or not. ):h