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Any way about a year ago I was having a problem with my truck dying i'd let it set a fuw and it would restart no problem. it did'nt take that long reading forum's to narrow it down to pmd. I started poking around with my harnes i could get it to dye on camand by pushing on the plug to pmd. Used some zip tyes to pull the bundle up and get presure off the pins. worked fine till a couple days ago. I had to snug up the zip tyes. But makes me worry I think its just a cold solder joint on one of the middle pins but I like too have a beeter understanding of what its doing befor i tare into it.

Any help on what the true lodgec of how this thing works would be great.
Thanks Gerry
no it's a remote mounted off the side of intake with heat sink standerd upgrad stuff. ever try putting it in the air cleaner box ' lots of fresh air and its always moving?
Put it outside, the problem is NOT when the truck is running. The problem is when the truck is stationary.

No air flow in the airbox and the temp will actually rise.

Outside the hood, the ambient temperature will stay ambient even without air flow.
