A junkie for the purr of a 6.5L
After just breaking and by passing my oil cooler I will report the following.
I run Rotella T6, 5/40 synthetic. Normal idle oil pressure at full operating temp and 80F to 90F weather is 35 to 40 psi. 1800 rpm pressure is 60 to 65 psi.
In 40F to 50F weather, after reaching operating temperature: Oil pressure dropped 10 to 15 psi below normal operating pressures while the oil cooler was bypassed. I saw idle pressures just above 20psi and max pressure below 50psi.
I would not run the 6.5 with a bypassed oil cooler any longer absolutely required!
But of course, its your motor and your money.
6.5 Carnage
I found out yesterday that from the original owner that he had by-passed it when he damaged the original cooler lines when he was installing a second block heater, a year after he bought it. He said his wife had a 40k on it, and now it's about to roll over 300k. So I would assume if anything were to happen surely it would've done it by now?