I recently replaced a head gasket on my 94, and while I was at it, I replaced the metal lines, injectors, and glow plugs, glow plug relay, 97 cooling upgrade, made a cable to remote mount the pmd to firewall with large heat sink and cpu cooling fan on it, and when I tried to start it, it will not send fuel to the injectors, and the glow plug light will not come on. I know I have the ground to the pmd wired back to the stock location, but the only thing I can really think of is a bad ground/missing ground somewhere. Also, my fuel guage pegs out way past full when I turn the key on, and my temp guage pegs out way past hot on the crank position of the key. At one point I lost all power to everything, and then after about ten mins it reappeared magically. I am tired, frustrated, and confused. There are so many systems to this engine that I don't really know which direction to look. grounds is my first step, but what next? I am looking for any ideas, any of you may have.