New Member
Been running my Dtech from Pensacola on my 1500 for about a year, mounted in my bumper cooling nostril. No issues, but have read many reports of recent Dtech failures on the net, maybe all the post could be full of BS & trying to promote a $700 sale for someone but I doubt it? So I am a tad leery to purchase another Dtech...?
I am leaning towards the new gray Stanadyne PMD for the Tahoe so I will then have a spare PMD in each rig.
I see Leroy PMDcable is offering a new extension cable that will fit the new gray stanadyne PMD plug & play but it does not look like he is offering the gray Stanadyne PMD...???
I will not pay 500 dollars + for one so don't suggest it...not going there.
Where to buy a new Gray Stanadyne PMD...?
I am leaning towards the new gray Stanadyne PMD for the Tahoe so I will then have a spare PMD in each rig.
I see Leroy PMDcable is offering a new extension cable that will fit the new gray stanadyne PMD plug & play but it does not look like he is offering the gray Stanadyne PMD...???
I will not pay 500 dollars + for one so don't suggest it...not going there.
Where to buy a new Gray Stanadyne PMD...?