Active Member
Autometer makes a "snubber' for use with diesels. ON Cummins it's a must have . aLSO IIRC Autometer recommends using an extension hose from tapoint to sender to absorb vibration. I just ordered an Autometer fuel rpressure gauge , and snubber for my cummins.
Yeah, I'd seen AutoMeter's site recommended their snubber on certain year Dodge/Cummins mentioning something about pressure spikes (maybe at startup - can't recall the specifics).
When I've run my 6.5 enough to know w/ certainty this thing solves the issue, I'll put the specifics on what I found & where to get for $4 on the forum. If I can find a pic of the AutoMeter version, I'll compare as it wouldn't surprise me if they're the same part.
Believe it's a simple restriction orifice. Limiting how much of each pulse/pressure peak can get through it quick enough to impact gauge response. More or less slowing up (a bit) how quickly pressure beyond the orifice can equilibrate w/ pressure before it.