135' diagonal 16:9HD, 25KW sound!
Guess I could drop the antifreeze n run straight water. Wonder how much that would help?
Oh hell no! If you're pushing 210-215 with a 50/50 mix of anti freeze and water, you'll definitely run the risk of boil over on straight water, as the boiling point would be lowered to 212* unpressurized. Are you running Water Wetter in the cooling system? I run two bottles in my Burb, and last summer, with stock fan/clutch and 195 dual stats, would run Intestate at 82 MPH in 100*+ temps and barely get the temp gauge up to 200*! In fact, I could watch the needle swing about 10* as the rad cooled down to about 190 and the stats closed, then warm back up and open, then cycle and cool down again. A LOT better than before I added Water Wetter and the temp gauge would climb to 200-205 and just sit there all day.