I'd like to figure out how to wire the running lights to be on unless I turn them off and I'd like to get rid of the door chime when the doors are open. One of the things I liked about the truck was having the off switch for the interior lights so I can open up the doors and listen to the radio at camp but that doesn't do me any good if the door chimes the whole time.
I'd like to wire the running lights because I live in the country and it's nice to have the extra lights to watch for critters so I'd like to have them on all the time except when I want to turn them off....not the other way around. Any links or help would be appreciated.
I'd like to wire the running lights because I live in the country and it's nice to have the extra lights to watch for critters so I'd like to have them on all the time except when I want to turn them off....not the other way around. Any links or help would be appreciated.