if your going to re-open up the eng,first wash the studs and holes out with break-kleen,then the holes should have a clean-out tap run thru them[not a thread cutting tap-as it makes the threads to big],,then use ARP sealent/lube and run studs in by hand,newer studs have an allen hole in them,they only should be put in finger tight,as torquing them in puts stress on the threads,the ARP thread sealent will stop any seeping,install the gaskets and torque down the heads in steps[say-50lbs-75lbs-then final torque from the eng spec,, ,torque nuts down 3 times total -to stretch studs,,[lube nuts and washers with ARP sealent/lube,,ARP has all this in their catalog and web site too,,studs are re-usable,[make sure head locating sleeves are in block]