I has boost, :O)
Ok, just over a year ago, the accel pedal had a sticky spot, had to force it past a certain point then it was all good, power was ok but it intermittantly lost power, I just learned to live with it, then one day, I hit the gas and the engine starting knocking, rattling and black smoke, WTF????????? drove back to the shop and saw fuel pouring out of the back of the motor, took off the dog house and yep, so I said f*ck it and parked it. Fast forward to today, took it all apart to put new injectors and a new/used pump in and saw the accel arm had come off, the plunger pin was in the valley soooooooooooooooo, if I put this back together, will it be ok or is it fubared and just put my new pump in and quit messing around?
FYI, I got the right bank injectors done, not too bad, the left side is going to be a royal PITA, :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:
FYI, I got the right bank injectors done, not too bad, the left side is going to be a royal PITA, :mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: