Sounds like a good setup. Are you running a 6.5 pump or a 6.2 pump? You can bury the fuel screw on a 6.2 pump and almost pass emissions due to the smaller fuel plungers.
I have run 24 PSI out here in the heat 105-121 degrees F outside air temp with a HX40II. The ATT peaks at 18 PSI under sustained load. This is with the highest compression 6.2 engine with non-coated pistons. I then tossed a spool valve on one of the 6.2's.
The spool valve retaining more exhaust heat in the engine ruined conventional diesel engine oil in under 3000 miles. Sample your oil and on these 'sooty dirty' engines change it often. Hard use means 2500 mile oil changes by the book! 3000 miles is too long as I found with UOA towing at the limits of the truck.
EGT's can vary with timing. Advance the timing and the EGT's go down. Myself I ignore EGT's (sustained 1550 on a long grade) as long as the critical ECT is under 210. Way advanced timing with high EGT's may have different results. I do run as much advance as I can get away with that doesn't erode the glow plugs. (Yeah pull one out and check it for a rust like textured surface, aka erosion, every oil change till you have it down. Then check once a year to be sure it's (timing) still ok.)
Smoke from stomping it should be avoided by waiting for engine RPM to come up before going full fuel. Larger turbo's need RPM before they will spool and clear smoke. Takes practice and pointing a mirror to see the exhaust. Saves fuel and keeps the enviro wackos from further targeting you, collectively us, and demanding emissions tests these engines weren't designed and in the case of military engines were, exempted, not required to pass.
I have run 24 PSI out here in the heat 105-121 degrees F outside air temp with a HX40II. The ATT peaks at 18 PSI under sustained load. This is with the highest compression 6.2 engine with non-coated pistons. I then tossed a spool valve on one of the 6.2's.
The spool valve retaining more exhaust heat in the engine ruined conventional diesel engine oil in under 3000 miles. Sample your oil and on these 'sooty dirty' engines change it often. Hard use means 2500 mile oil changes by the book! 3000 miles is too long as I found with UOA towing at the limits of the truck.
EGT's can vary with timing. Advance the timing and the EGT's go down. Myself I ignore EGT's (sustained 1550 on a long grade) as long as the critical ECT is under 210. Way advanced timing with high EGT's may have different results. I do run as much advance as I can get away with that doesn't erode the glow plugs. (Yeah pull one out and check it for a rust like textured surface, aka erosion, every oil change till you have it down. Then check once a year to be sure it's (timing) still ok.)
Smoke from stomping it should be avoided by waiting for engine RPM to come up before going full fuel. Larger turbo's need RPM before they will spool and clear smoke. Takes practice and pointing a mirror to see the exhaust. Saves fuel and keeps the enviro wackos from further targeting you, collectively us, and demanding emissions tests these engines weren't designed and in the case of military engines were, exempted, not required to pass.