If the Damper isn't bad, I would save the money towards a Fluidampr. I'd also check an Ac Delco price before I installed a Dorman.Yes it is the only thing I have to drive unfortunately... Luckily spring is only maybe four or six weeks away according to the groundhog... Once the weather breaks I have tons of work lined up so money won't be so much of an issue... I definitely want to get the oil cooler lines done as immediately as I can.. because they're already leaking and if one of them blows when I'm on the road driving I won't even know it until the engine seized up.... As for the harmonic balancer... If I can milk it for another month great... If not then I would rather put a $80 doorman one in for a couple of months and save up the money to buy the fluidamp.... I know it's a waste of $80 if I'm just going to pull it back off in a few months but I'd rather throw away $80 then risk breaking the crank... Cuz like I said one summer hits here in New York I'll have a lot more money at my disposal to work with... Then I can get all the more beefed-up upgrades done..