If it ain't broke leave it alone. I stopped trying to do preventative maintenance a good majority of the replacement parts are JUNK!
Fluid dampener is nice but IMO unless you have a new $7K motor it's like putting lipstick on a pig. I do keep a eye on mine, but I ain't shelling out 400+ to replace something before it needs it...too many other things that are shot that have to be replaced.
Yes I realize this can take the motor out...but we can destroy these motors many ways like running the EGT's at 1400F for extended periods of time or easier with a bad set of squirts...JMHO
If the balancer elastomer looks ok, leave it and monitor.
If you change it, make sure a new crank bolt and new washer are used and torque to 200ft/lb (
The bolt and washer recommedation is from an auto engine rebuilder's association service bulletin.
Use locktight! I've seen recommendation to use green on the balancer / crank snout.
I would absolutely recommend red on the balancer retainer bolt.
From experience, if you F this up you can expect this: 6.5 Carnage (yes the crank broke and broke out the #2 main journal)
9 months to a year after proactively changing the harmonic balancer and not getting the bolt tight enough (might have forgot the red locktight)
Upon dissembly, the balancer bolt was removed by finger pressure.