I have a 93 k3500 with 5 speed manual I am told the first gear is a granny gear and thats because the gear ratio is low is this true and do i need to use on take off or can use second?:mad2:
I drive it starting in second and it takes off better then if i use first i enjoy driving the truck using the first gear but sometimes its just a pain in the ass to use
I almost never use low gear. daily drivng i always just start in 2nd but there is alot of turbo lag untill it gets to like 2k rpm and then it starts to build. im not sure if ti is the same with an auto truck but its kind of annoying
I always use 1st, but I like to launch at idle, usually dont revv up the engine to launch. stock oil cooler line paranoya, I guess.
but to the OP, yes you do have the deeper 1st gear, and all 1st gears in NV4500s are marketed as granny gears, not nearly as low as I would like them, but low for modern rigs.
Empty 2nd should be fine, 1st should be reserved for big loads.
I start our 65 C60 out in 2nd Hi empty, 2nd Lo fairly loaded, and 1st lo is only reserved for driving in deep mud with a full bed of grain, which that truck doesn't see anymore.
Yep, mostly 2nd gear launch for me too no added fuel. Slow release of clutch then roll into fuel. I use 1st for parking lot, slow manuevering, and heavy load/towing. I have the higher 1st gear and will use it for launching uphill sometimes. Basically, I only use 1st if I feel it bog down/lug taking off in 2nd or if I have to add fuel to launch.
I only use 1st or compound gear if I'm pulling
someone out or if I'm in 4 low and climbing in slow motion cause if you have this gear in your transmission you know the speedometer won't even start to read