Question your sanity- not needed. You are as nuts as the rest of the group! Haha
All the posts makes this thread flow perfectly. Don’t apologize.
Make sure you are legal with your dmv to convert gas into diesel and that you can use older engine in newer truck.- many places made it illegal to do either one.
Decide what you are gonna do about the dash gauges because the two won’t interchange.
Rip optimizer down. It is not a new engine and the stories they all get changed by mileage is flat out wrong. Too many guys were the wrench turners that can disprove that. That looks like it was opened up- that is not from GEP. So could be that hack outfit in NY had their hands on that one! I know 2 guys, 1 Army & 1 USMC that were up in the chain dealing with hmmwv fleets- they had a certain amount of the NY specials sent to them automatically snd the failure rate was so high they just set them aside and paper whipped that the install was done- then send the reman to auction. they slap in 1 set of bearings and don’t use the select fit or nothing on 2 that I opened up. Your lucky to get 5,000 miles when that happens and the block/rods/crank can all be junk afterwards. Not opening them up is a HUGE MISTAKE!
Inspect for main webs cracked #7 or #8 cracked cylinders, etc. Then all New bearings, gapless rings, balance the lower rotating assembly. GEP is horrible for cast flashing- do that work and flush the oil journals. Throw away that hummer thermostat crossover. Replace the hmmwv 2 wire cps with truck 3 wire. Save that sensor with the db2- folks want that stuff.
Leroy rents a primer tool, or buy a moroso unit that you can prime before every start.
I would get p400 heads over promax for sure! Not that much more expensive.
Getting the lower assembly balanced is worth the cost of shipping it to a shop- that balance makes a huge difference in longevity of the engine. Where are you at and maybe someone here can Recomend a machine shop not too far away from ya.
If you are 100% you are never going to go for big power- rethink the head studs. I have put together hundreds of 6.5s using NEW factory bolts and had no failures so long as boost was kept under 14psi. If you stick with the head studs- make sure you read up on options for sealing them from leaking- to many people learned the hard way the arp sealant tube goes in the trash.
Will, I appreciate all of that info. Kinda bummed about part of it, but at least I know. My main goal was to stay away from that business out of NY.

I'll get it pulled apart and then take some pics and post up for review on here. Hopefully we can make a diagnosis either way. Was hoping to be able to just run this short block as-is and keep the project moving forward at a good pace.
I'm located in Arkansas, so if anyone has a recommendation for a machine shop within driving distance, I'm all ears.
News to me on that part about the head studs, I'll be sure to research that and figure out the proper way to seal them up.
Dash gauges - I was really thinking that I could use the gauge cluster from the blue truck. I'm curious about the reason it won't work, and if there is any way to make it work!