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Gasoline Now Going Up To 15% Ethanol By Summer...

MTBE was phased out for pollution reasons after the EPA mandated it years back to stop lead useage. I believe you only need about 3% ethanol to equal out to what MTBE did for our fuels for an oxygenator. Also keep in mind that your etahnopl in Brazil is made from sugar beets, sugar cane, and switch grass which yields a much more potent blend of ethanol yielding more BTU's per gallon than ours does from corn. Also I believe the corn ethanol is more corrosive than your ethanol blends in Brazil. Our biggest problem with ethanol is corn lobbyists. We could have good ethanol, but instead we get stuck with crap ethanol to line the farmers pockets. Then have to pay extra to get real gas without ethanol for anything that doesn't get driven or used often. Boats that stay in high moisture areas have to change fuel filters constantly from all of the water that the ethanol absorbs. And not to mention the problems with rubber and neoprene seals that we have been using in carb fuel systems that are now being ate up like there soaked in acid. these may not all be problems that others have to deal with from cellouistic ethanol, but ours from corn has been a nightmare. It failed once before, and now it's not being allowec to fail courtesy of lobbysists and politicians.
Like everyone else on here I also hate this crap, I get around 13 mpg with ethonal blended gas, when I was in TN there were plenty of gas stations down there with pure gas and my mpg was 18 mpg, this garbage has to go.
Like everyone else on here I also hate this crap, I get around 13 mpg with ethonal blended gas, when I was in TN there were plenty of gas stations down there with pure gas and my mpg was 18 mpg, this garbage has to go.

Careful now, some will call these numbers bogus as it is impossible to lose this much milage by only losing 10% of the actual gas content in your fuel. I seen simliar drops in milage out of both my DAKOTA with a 4.7L V-8, and my old JEEP with a 4.0L. The wifes G6 gets about 31 with E-10, and gets an honest 33-34 when we can find real gas affordably. E-85 does have some plus's to it though, in performance engines they have found that E-85 burns about as good as 108 octane race fuel does for ALOT less money. Ethanol has less BTU's per gallon, but has more power potential to it as it can run much richer air fuel ratios safely without fouling. I still would like to hear a corn activist justify to me with a straight face how ethanol is saving us even 1 drop oil. Ethanol still must be grown, and that equipment sure don't run on corn.
Careful now, some will call these numbers bogus as it is impossible to lose this much milage by only losing 10% of the actual gas content in your fuel. I seen simliar drops in milage out of both my DAKOTA with a 4.7L V-8, and my old JEEP with a 4.0L. The wifes G6 gets about 31 with E-10, and gets an honest 33-34 when we can find real gas affordably. E-85 does have some plus's to it though, in performance engines they have found that E-85 burns about as good as 108 octane race fuel does for ALOT less money. Ethanol has less BTU's per gallon, but has more power potential to it as it can run much richer air fuel ratios safely without fouling. I still would like to hear a corn activist justify to me with a straight face how ethanol is saving us even 1 drop oil. Ethanol still must be grown, and that equipment sure don't run on corn.
They ain't bogus I can attest to that, I hand calculate my numbers and that is what they come out with on every fill up
I hate when the government tells us to " take this, its good for you"
At the pump I saw a sticker that said ethanol is "cleaner". Cleaner than what? Its actualy dirtier as you use more fuel to go the same distance.
Drives me insane with the lack of common sence or leaders take.
AND! why has'int someone developed a diesel/electric hybrid in the US???
I hate when the government tells us to " take this, its good for you"
At the pump I saw a sticker that said ethanol is "cleaner". Cleaner than what? Its actualy dirtier as you use more fuel to go the same distance.
Drives me insane with the lack of common sence or leaders take.
AND! why has'int someone developed a diesel/electric hybrid in the US???

I hear ya loud and clear.

As for diesel electric, 'they' cannot wrap their small brain around the concept, further, once they hear the word DIESEL 'they' think BLACK SMOKE and 'ditry' semi-trucks. *Some* diesel performance enthusiasts billowing black smoke from every stop doesn't really help matters either.. *Some*, not all..