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Gasoline Now Going Up To 15% Ethanol By Summer...

Thank the moronic tree huggers. We are sitting on 500+ years of domestic petroleum that we cannot access.

Instead we use a tax subsidized alternative that is less efficient and eats up fuel lines in older engines.
Just pisses me off no end...:mad2:
Many of my farmer friends are all for it until they find out why all their auxilliary motors are screwing up so much!
Asshat tree hugging environmental lunatics!!!:mad2:
If you guys think 10% ethanol is bad. Tests were never totally completed on the 15% ethanol fuel since it ate up all the rubber components in the test equipment. Comforting huh? It didn't matter if it was a Hose, gasket, or o-ring it destroyed everything.
It's all about F'ing us at the pump. Less BTU for more of our money. Period.

Let alone the consequential damages caused.
I see lots of work changing fuel lines, pumps, and fuel level sensors if you can even get the dammed thing to run on this.

My venture into biodiesel was not carnage free. On the plus side I can change a lift pump in 5 min flat now, blindfolded, from all my experience doing so... I can even change fuel lines with the intake manifold in place. Bio eats everything rubber!
I ran one tank of E85 when I had my F250 (which can supposedly handle it) and got 11mpg, down 2 from what it normally got. Not very impressive for something that was only .30/gal less than the 90/10 RUG available anywhere.

If ethanol was 1/2 the price of RUG it might be worth it.
Being in the tree business, we'll be going through our older chainsaw left and right. The older chainsaws will only last a few months. Saws that have lasted 10-20 years won't last 10-20 months. Think of all the expenses it will be to replace over a dozen Stihl chainsaws to keep the business up and running... Oh wait, they don't give a Damn about those cost along with any vehicles tha will be affected by this change. Damn I hate the greenies.
Being in the tree business, we'll be going through our older chainsaw left and right. The older chainsaws will only last a few months. Saws that have lasted 10-20 years won't last 10-20 months. Think of all the expenses it will be to replace over a dozen Stihl chainsaws to keep the business up and running...
I already had to replace the fuel lines on my Stihl limbing saw (MS250) and I'm pretty sure the carb is gonna give it up soon. All because of 10%. I imagine the big one (MS390) will be causing some trouble soon. I did buy some of that starbrite additive that is getting some good endorsements. We'll see how that works.
Ethanol is one of the biggest scams to date(although a far ways behind our government). When you start adding up the cons to it, even I have a hard time seeing how it got mandated. Theres the reduced economy, damage to fuel systems, inability to be stored for any length of time(2 weeks is the accepted MAX shelf life for blended fuel), it's wonderful ability to draw in moisture and let it go thourh the engine, plug fuel filters with a wonderful pudding like gel, and all the other wonderful driveability concerns it can cause. Then figure in the fact that it uses up farm land that could be used for business's, homes, or other food crops. Not to mention that the tractors that plow and manage the fields run on you guessed it, petrolieum fuels. How are we saving one drop of oil? Instead we are using MORE oil when you figure in teh fact that this crap must be trucked everywhere as it is to corrosive to be piped. And them trucks that transport it from seed form, to corn form, then ethanol form are using fuel AND taking up valueable space on our roadways causing extra traffic and wear to our aging infrastructure that is failing. But hey, it creates jobs right? Then there is the matter of our ground water that is used for irrigation for it to grow. And don't forget that many farms still use you guessed it, diesel powered pumps that use up MORE oil based fuels. Or they run off electric which is in most cases, natural gas or coal powered power plants(MORE NON renewable energy sources being used for this supposed GREEN fuel). And then figure in the extra fertilizer being used and its runoff and all the wonderful damage that it causes. I know down here in Florida it isargued that this runoff is one of the causes of our redtide blooms we get as they ALWAYS come after the army corps of engineers drain water off from Lake Okechobee through the cross florida canal into the Gulf. And this water is tainted HEAVILY witrh nitrates from teh fertilizer used for sugar cane farming.

How can ANY self respecting tree hugger be blind enough to believe in this crap? Seriously? I guess I shouldn't complain to much as my truck is diesel powered, but my wifes car IS gas powered. I just got done pulling her injectors out and flushing out some of the nastiest brown flaky crap you have ever seen out of them and the fuel rails, and it's only an 06 with 43K miles on it. About a year after we got E-10 at the pumps down here, I know I had a run on valve jobs from this wonderful black tar hanging valves open, now it's injectors plugging up, so who knows what next will begin to flood into my shop for repairs.
I agree with each word written above, although I must say you are much happier than us here in Brazil, where the percentage of the corrosive-water-absorber-gum-producer is 25 (yes, twenty-five) per cent of ANY gasoline one can buy.
My old (but very good) Chev. 261 engine suffers like a condemned to drink such a crap. I have recently replaced the carb (Weber) because of corrosion in the bowl (and everywhere inside, I guess, and the "new" (reman) one is already showing signs of disgusting internal illness. New parts are unavailable here, so I keep cleaning the metal powder and gum as and while I can manage. The jets must be way bigger than standard, or the engine won't be feed properly, but... we are saving the planet, they say. This was my first post, and I wish all the best to everyone of you, with excuses for the bad english. Fabio (FJM9).
It's just a way for the Govt's to MAKE you get a Newer Car.

They know exactly what they are doing and that there isn't anything that we the People can do about it.
I do not agree with this ethanol crap.

Identical patrol vehicles on 8 hours shift, E85 will use 3/4 of a tank, regular unleaded will use 1/4 of a tank. :rolleyes5:

The way I see it is E85 is designed for us to not depend so heavily on foreign oil, which it does. But, that to me is not worth it. :mad2:
Just saw this topic now...
No one better than the brazilians to speak on this subject.
We have a mixture of 25% ethanol in gasoline for years. The only thing that alcohol impairs the metals are not protected, otherwise, there is no problem.
Some even convert their gasoline cars to use 100% alcohol, and there's only problem in the case of carbs, which can be mitigated with regular cleaning. On the electronic injection system, does not affect anything but the fuel pump. but that in the case of cars converted to alcohol, because the original is already protected with bombs.
Brazilian people are very careless with preventive maintenance and eludes easy with cheap fuel, which is often adulterated, and ends up being the reason the cars ruin.
To you the production of alcohol is more difficult than for us, because sugarcane yields more than corn.
Here uses 100% ethanol in cars tuned for higher octane, making the engine yield much more than gasoline, as you can use higher compression ratio.
Do you use lead or MTBE to raise the octane?
MTBE was banned due to groundwater concerns and lead is only used in aircraft or racing fuel.

Ethanol is only added here for clean air as it chemically leans out the engine during cold start operation. This lasts about 30 seconds tops before the new heated O2 sensors get up to temp and dump more fuel to compensate for this tampered fuel. Older engines will not run right and will need bigger jets. FI engines may code for a lean mixture sensed although everything is working perfect.