Well-Known Member
Some are lucky,..some are not,..I have not have had starter problems for years and i have 5 of them engines(knocking wood)and all this happens in a year or much less!
the dealer washer that I saw was silver in color. the new ones are copper "the cheap" ones. what to do?
fuel problem has gone into remission. even low on fuel truck has run perfectly with no bubbles in clear line I left on top. Parts store clear line. cap / tank will build up pressure just sitting overnight with no use since shut down on a cold day!!! I tighten cap next morning to keep thieves/ vandals out. I should install clear line piece before fuel mgr. and before lift pump. Then I'll know...
it prob all starts with not enough juice to the starter....bad batts/bad cable connections.
That is just plating over the copper,i don't think it matters if you got a copper one, just use new studs with it.