I might be crazy but i ain't dumb
So guys i took all my frost plugs out. kind of a PITA i punch holes threw 4 of them and spent 30min trying to find the pieces that punched out:mad2: found them all tho had to flush the block found 2 on the ground and then still ended up fishing 2 of them out of the coolant galleys with a magnet. i figured they would casue a few problems if they got to the water pump of radiator.
my question is when installing the new frost plugs is there any type of selant that goes around them??
Also is there any way to bench test a block heater i know the one out of my old motor worked and i have a second one out of one of the blocks i bought. i want to test this one as it doesnt make sence to put it in as a spare if it dont work
my question is when installing the new frost plugs is there any type of selant that goes around them??
Also is there any way to bench test a block heater i know the one out of my old motor worked and i have a second one out of one of the blocks i bought. i want to test this one as it doesnt make sence to put it in as a spare if it dont work