Well when it rains it pours. I was planning on replacing my injectors this weekend and the wg solenoid also. Then on Thursday the tranny on my astro van that I use for work went out so I had to use my wifes burb. Spend the day looking for a p30 grumman step van w/ a diesel and found one but that wasted my day. On my way home the old girl started sputtering. Never stalled but I had to fight it to get to 30 mph. I have needed a new fuel sending unit for about a year now but have been putting it off. I have been praying that I don't have to drop the tank yet. I really don't have time this weekend to do it.
Down to the nitty gritty. I replaced the fuel filter in hopes that it is the problem. After replacing it fired right up. No air. Hmmm! I decided to take it for a run around the block. It died this time. Got the air out and it started back up. Drove to a friends house around the corner and I could barely get it to 30 mph. I shut her down and cleared the wg code and it fired up and ran like there was never a problem. I'm going to take it for another run just to check. Anyone think it is the sock?
Down to the nitty gritty. I replaced the fuel filter in hopes that it is the problem. After replacing it fired right up. No air. Hmmm! I decided to take it for a run around the block. It died this time. Got the air out and it started back up. Drove to a friends house around the corner and I could barely get it to 30 mph. I shut her down and cleared the wg code and it fired up and ran like there was never a problem. I'm going to take it for another run just to check. Anyone think it is the sock?