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f-ed it up this morning, windows 7, only starts to a blank screen with a cursor

GM Guy

Manual Trans. 2WD Enthusiast
Reaction score
NW Kansas and SC Idaho
hey guys, was surfing the web last night doing some research for a paper, and security essentials popped up a warning, red level, and I clicked remove. well, apparently it didnt remove in time, and I proceeded to click allow on a dialog box (assuming it was security essentials, not so obviously :( ) and after that, it shut down immediately, and then restarted, I got the toshiba screen, with the usual f2, f12 directions at the base, then it proceeded to a black screen with a blinking cursor.

I am sure it is a virus, and I know enough stuff to royally screw it up, but not enough to fix it, so some guidance would be appreciated. the only control and response the computer has atm is the ability to get places with f2 or f12, right after pressing the power button, before the black screen with cursor loads. f2 and 12 will get me to a screen that has the ability to mess stuff up, so I wont go any further without guidance.

It is windows 7 64 bit, all updates, but I do beleive there was 1 and only one BIOS update that toshiba recommended, but since i wasnt confident in doing it right, it has yet to be installed. I was on the new IE9 at the time.

thanks guys!
also, I am aware that there is the built in backup system type of deal (super technical terms used here! :) )that will allow me to restore to whenever it last saved the disk image, or whatever the proper term. is this what will need to be done? backing up to the last "clean" time? if it wasnt right before the incident but rather a day before the incedent that it last saved a disk image, as long as no new files were created (may have added a favorite on IE(, but otherwise, no new files) i wouldnt hurt anything by doing the previous days image, as compared to the last saved image?

hopefully I am explaining this right, some of the terms i remembered from the last f-up a few months back. I love IE, but if you are in virus prone areas, I bet firefox or chrome is better.
Did it happen like this?? (see attachment)

To repair things, we need a little more information:

-- Did you make an emergency startup disk for your system?


-- Do you have the Windows 7 system DVD?

Also, you can try pressing F8 during startup to see if you can boot into the Windows Recovery partition (it should have created one by default during installation). From there, you can choose to try and repair, or to restore back to an earlier date.

In the event you have neither of the above, and are unable to boot to the System Rscovery partition, you can download the ISO for the Win7 64-bit recovery Disk here:


Burn that ISO onto a DVD, and boot your computer from it. (If you don't have an ISO burning program, try IMGBURN, here: http://www.imgburn.com/)

Good luck!


  • LizaMoon infection.pdf
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I do have a backup setup on an external drive (havent backed it up for a few months now :rolleyes: see how well that worked. lol)

I did make some disks when I first got the thing, didnt know what I was doing, but the computer had a tutorial to make sure I didnt mess things up.

I have had the LizaMoon virus before, and this didnt respond the same way. LizaMoon at least showed life, and I could eventually get around it via task manager.

F8 Doesnt seem to do anything.

it gives me the startup screen with the options press f2 for setup utility, and that does work, I can get to the setup utility, but IDK what to do from there.
it will also give me the option for f12 boot menu, and that command works also, I can get to the boot menu, but as the setup utility, IDK what to do there as well.

as far as recovery to a past date, It has been done in the past on this computer, so I assume it does still have that ability.

thanks for the assistance JiFaire, every bit of info (oh look, a completely unintended pun! lol) counts! hopefully I didnt mess anything up too bad.
OK ... when you press F12 to enter the boot menu, what does it tell you?

If it gives you Windows 7, ignore that - we already know it don't work

If it gives you Ramdisk Options, select that, because we want to get in there and see if the Recovery partition is there.

If you start getting System Recovery options, we're on the right track... try either a system Repair (to fix boot problems) or Restore to an earlier date (to go back to the configuration before you got the bug).

DON'T choose System Restore unless nothing else works.. that will re-install Windows 7 and wipe out your files.

Keep in touch.. let me know what happens. Screenshots or pictures are worth a thousand words.
when I hit f12 and go to the boot menu, I get the following list:

1. HDD #1/ SSD #1
4. FDD
5. LAN
6. USB

<Enter Setup>
got to my computer guy today (will go to him before the computer guys on campus, and that says alot!) and he fixed it. for free I might add. turns out, it was a registry error. he said that on the forums he is on, this is an un-common, but still known issue with windows 7. we restored it with my backup on the external drive. (havent backed it up since november, oh well, just tons of updates to do...) and all seems well.