Driving into work, the truck just died.
It wasn't sounding right, like an exhaustg leak or something. Turned the corner, it rev'ed slightly and died.
Oil is good, but batteries are low! Voltage is 12.1v. It started fine 20 min earlier. I had just cleaned my grounds and battery connections 2 weeks ago.
It wants to turn over, but not enough juice for more than one cranks. Next question is, did bad batteries take out both alternators???
Just my luck.
Waiting on a tow. Update to follow.
It wasn't sounding right, like an exhaustg leak or something. Turned the corner, it rev'ed slightly and died.
Oil is good, but batteries are low! Voltage is 12.1v. It started fine 20 min earlier. I had just cleaned my grounds and battery connections 2 weeks ago.
It wants to turn over, but not enough juice for more than one cranks. Next question is, did bad batteries take out both alternators???
Just my luck.
Waiting on a tow. Update to follow.