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Direct Wire your Radar Detector


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Finally got around to doing my Hardwire for my Escourt 8500.

Very simple to do..I've took some pictures along the way. Hope this helps for the people looking to get that annoying wire from hanging down your windshield..

1. After debating, I finally figured out a place to mount my smart access display.

Place yours here, and then run your wires in the directions. You should have plenty!
Its good to mount your display now, when pulling wires its hard to hold and pull at the same time..


2. I popped the Trim off the corner so i could tuck the wire underneath it, Pull tight from Smart Display and pop back on.


Next route down the side of your glove box and center console.


Simply take a straight head screwdriver and push and tuck. Holds itself right in there.

3. Next, go ahead and remove Passenger side panel cover and A-Pillar

Pull tight across underneath the glove box, Zip tie to a loom of wiring underneath (to keep tight). Run wire up through the A pillar. Pull down EASILY on the headliner ( have your flat head screwdriver handy) and tuck as enough to hold up in there. Keep in mind, Kind-of measure where your mounting your detector, I had JUST ENOUGH to make it to mine. Your done with wiring on this side.

4. Running the Power/Ground wires from smart display. Tuck in the crack between console and panel.

Run through over the pedals etc., all the way over to the fuse box ( A clothes hanger works well).

5. Tapping for power. Power was simple. For ground i used the factory bolt, unscrewed it, Had to use a little bigger connector. The one supplied, just chopped off and added mine. Attach on bolt, Screw nut back on. For power, i Used the end that come with the kit. Took a knife and spread the connector open just enough to slide on my fuse spot. Keep in mind you will have to spread, tighten, etc to get it just right so it will be tight enough to hold its self on there. See Pic below for fuse to tap.


***I Hold no responsibility for your truck if it burns down..***