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Digital Camera


America First!
Reaction score
Sandwich, Illinois
Putting my Christmas list together... I been good?):h
I need a (and know little about) digital camera. I would like some opinions of what can be had for $200 or less. Don't need to take huge landscapes but want detailed closeups and some good quality people/object shots. 3-4x zoom maybe. Want to be able to see the detail on a truck or a gun. Also don't want something with a huge file size. I'm no good at resizing (yet)
All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.
I just bought a Samsung 12.2 mega pixle one from Best Buy for around $165. It has a 5x optical zoom and has close up focusing. It also has a large screen so you(I) don't need glasses to see it. Has a bunch of other stuff on it that I haven't figured out yet.
I bought a Sony Cyber-shot 10.1 mega pix a few weeks ago. It's only got 3x zoom, but it's a good camera for just over 100 bucks. Guys at work said Sony was the best quality...but everyone has their opinion I guess.
Mike I like to use this site http://www.cnet.com/. They cover a broad range of electronics, etc. You can look at items in your price range and see what the reviews on it are. It will even give you vendors prices that for the item your looking at. Hope it helps you also....
I've got a Sony Camera and Camcorder, I love both! They make good products I think.
i had sony's before but they drive you nuts with their "all sony" crap, sony memeory cards, etc etc.

i have been an avid fan of Canon ever since my first and current Canon camera (SD630) i would only consider a different brand when i buy a DSLR since i have huge hands and the Nikon D90s body for example feels better.

but seriously in your price range a Canon is the bets bang for the buck.
X2 on the Canon. I have Sony, and yeah ditto on all their proprietary stuff, especially their cables.
I have Sony, read Minolta slr. Just went to a Mid range DSLR from Sony, not low cost but very nice. My Son used it for his digital arts class, Teacher wanted to keep the camera because of the nice picture it took.
I've been into cameras for some time now and curently shoot a DSLR Nikon D90. For a small pocket camera with alot of power I bought my wife a Canon SD870 pocket camera xmas 2007 that she loves and I've used it and gotten many great photos. It also has a very large LCD to chimp the pictures on. It's been upgraded by a couple of models so I can't speak for the newer ones but we're very pleased with the one we have. Here is a great web site you can use to research all camera models, features, picture quality, etc. http://www.dpreview.com/

Beyond that I agree with some here that have posted; Sony makes some great stuff however I don't care for the Sony proprietary memory, etc.
My wifey has a Canon. I cant work it. but it does everything you could want