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Diesel gelling and cloud points by region

7.3 woes here.......fuel filter light is on when pushing hard.......someone (from a PS forum) said the FSU broke off in the tank and is restricting fuel flow.....I think they're right.
In my lifetime I cannot remember one time we have had a diesel gel-up. We always top off our fuel barrels with winter blend (#1) for our generators and tractors in the fall as well as add Power Service to everything, and on the Duramax we run PS and Blend or #1, depending on the forcasted temps. It also sits in the heated shop most nights.
Yup there is a lubricity spec and that additive package for that is added at the shipping receiving terminals. The pipelines did not want that additive in the pipe lines.
Hopfully they're using the one from Newmarket (formerly Ethyl Corp). Got stocks in them. ;)
I use Summer fuel year round in my Burb. I treat it with Power Service and we did hit -9 F here about a month ago. I haven't had my fuel filter heater installed for about a year now.