Доверяй, но проверяй
When I've swapped half-shafts in the past, it was always a with a lot of jimmying back and forth at the differential to get things in. Always! When I put the new differential in I had the axles in place and attached them to the diff just before raising it to final position. When the differential was swapped (previous thread) it was done by a shop so I didn't notice if there were any changes to spacing etc. When the first half shaft failed on the bump, it was quite the surprise and a relief when the swap went in so easily later that night. It was cold and I was not in the mood to fight this thing. Anyway, I failed to realize/consider/comprehend there might be spacing issues with the new differential which made the swap so easy. Well, on closer inspection today I discover that there is an issue.
Bad News: I have at least a .4" separation between the differential and inner CV hub. With the bolts inserted just enough to bite and hold, the calipers indicate .39" and I know there is a bit more. This is with the tire's / steering pointed straight ahead.
Good News: Anticipating just such an emergency, I have a spacer kit consisting of four 1/4" spacers and bolts, from Tuff Country.
Bad News: For the same reason I couldn't use the 2500 series CV Half Shafts Big-T gave me for cores/home gym, I can't use the spacers because they are for a 2500-3500 series truck and, therefore, the wrong diameter. Of course it says so right on the @#$%^&* box. "You [messed] up. You trusted us!"
Good News: The store that sold them is open on Saturday.
Bad News: (last one I promise) The correct spacer kits aren't in stock but will be in Tuesday.
At least I'm stuck in the office doing coordination work and any travel this week is will be in civilized areas.
So, I'll leave the truck on jack stands after I swap the passenger side (it's creaking in reverse) and wait it out till Tuesday.
Bad News: I have at least a .4" separation between the differential and inner CV hub. With the bolts inserted just enough to bite and hold, the calipers indicate .39" and I know there is a bit more. This is with the tire's / steering pointed straight ahead.
Good News: Anticipating just such an emergency, I have a spacer kit consisting of four 1/4" spacers and bolts, from Tuff Country.
Bad News: For the same reason I couldn't use the 2500 series CV Half Shafts Big-T gave me for cores/home gym, I can't use the spacers because they are for a 2500-3500 series truck and, therefore, the wrong diameter. Of course it says so right on the @#$%^&* box. "You [messed] up. You trusted us!"
Good News: The store that sold them is open on Saturday.
Bad News: (last one I promise) The correct spacer kits aren't in stock but will be in Tuesday.
At least I'm stuck in the office doing coordination work and any travel this week is will be in civilized areas.
So, I'll leave the truck on jack stands after I swap the passenger side (it's creaking in reverse) and wait it out till Tuesday.