Hello to all!!
I recently found out where the Source of a "Rattle/Clank" noise was comming from on my 97 GMC. This noise was clearly evident when truck was idling.
When belt was removed and truck was running....NO NOISE.
Ok one step at a time. Checked the Vac Pump, Water Pump, Power Steer Pump, Alternator, and Idler Pulley. All seemed okay.
I did remove the Vac Pump, I no longer needed it anyway. Installed new belt. No changes...Noise Still present. I will post pictures of Vac Pump removal later this week.
So this past week I finally Installed Oil Cooler Lines, and a Oil Filter Relocate system. I will post detailed pictures later this week. Ok while under the truck looking for best route of Cooler lines, I looked at the crank pulley, I saw little nick marks and then noticed the rubber ring looked worn. I then tried to spin the pulley...."WAH...LAH" This was where the noise must be comming from. It was indeed spinning back and forth on the rubber ring.
I replaced the Crank Pulley...Clank/Rattle Noise...GONE!!
Tools Needed: 15MM wrench, 15MM Socket, Something to hold Crank from spinning. Once the 4 bolts are removed, the pulley will now pull right off.
I posted pictures...Hope it helps!
Crankshaft Pulley Front.
Crankshaft Pulley Back.
Notice Marks, Where it was banging against the side? Hence the Noise.
Marks shown where pulley was knocking against itself. See the wear marks??
David D.
I recently found out where the Source of a "Rattle/Clank" noise was comming from on my 97 GMC. This noise was clearly evident when truck was idling.
When belt was removed and truck was running....NO NOISE.
Ok one step at a time. Checked the Vac Pump, Water Pump, Power Steer Pump, Alternator, and Idler Pulley. All seemed okay.
I did remove the Vac Pump, I no longer needed it anyway. Installed new belt. No changes...Noise Still present. I will post pictures of Vac Pump removal later this week.
So this past week I finally Installed Oil Cooler Lines, and a Oil Filter Relocate system. I will post detailed pictures later this week. Ok while under the truck looking for best route of Cooler lines, I looked at the crank pulley, I saw little nick marks and then noticed the rubber ring looked worn. I then tried to spin the pulley...."WAH...LAH" This was where the noise must be comming from. It was indeed spinning back and forth on the rubber ring.
I replaced the Crank Pulley...Clank/Rattle Noise...GONE!!
Tools Needed: 15MM wrench, 15MM Socket, Something to hold Crank from spinning. Once the 4 bolts are removed, the pulley will now pull right off.
I posted pictures...Hope it helps!
Crankshaft Pulley Front.
Crankshaft Pulley Back.
Notice Marks, Where it was banging against the side? Hence the Noise.
Marks shown where pulley was knocking against itself. See the wear marks??
David D.