Hi All
I found this one up North Island, Its a 4x2 not 4x4 so my question is "I am really after a dually 4x4 6.5 Turbo Diesel"
Now I have the choice of the light blue 4X4 1994 model with the banks towing kit and Banks power pack on it being, larger Turbo, Injectors and Cam and Radiator, so I have been told by the Owner and it has the Banks badges and stuff on it with the extra Gagues to monitor Turbo Temp Boost etc so I assume its for real what he is telling me. It runs the manual gear box. Quite frankly it goes like stink and seems to have power to spare.
Is it easier to convert the 1994 4x4 truck pictured to a dually? or would it be easier to convert the dark Blue 1995 4x2 into a 4x4?
The Blue 4x2 has been lowered so I would be putting that back to original straight away if I purchased it anyway so thought how much work would it be to do a 4x4 conversion while doing it?
Craig H Johnston
New Zealand
It probably be easier to convert the 4x4 to a duelly than the duelly to a 4x4. To change out the rear axel and trim the box and add the flares would probably be easier than to put in a transfer case, linkage, front axel, sort out the wiring for the 4x components that lock the hub's and possibly the front suspension changes. That's all I can think of right now. :smile5: