If your not scared of a hole in your fender you can cut a fender vent and your Cold air will be coming in about 2 inches away from your filter.
And of course buy a nice decorative vent on the outside. They make nice ones. I remember someone had one that was like 4" x 10 and fit perfectly on the body lines. Not sure if 2000 is same as 97. A mod I always wanted to do, just never have.
This topic has come up in the past, but I'm not sure if it was ever resolved. You might actually do more harm than good by using a fender vent. Air is a fluid and will react similar to a boat's bow wake(although it will of course compress more than the water). Meaning, depending on how close the vent is to the fender, there may only be a tiny bit of forced air available (if any).
The way to experiment would be to tape pieces of yarn/ribbon to the fender at various distances off. Then go for a drive and have a passenger observe the yarn at various speeds. You'll be looking for the yarn to be blowing straight back. The end shouldn't be waving around.
On the other hand, a vent or grate/grill may work quite well to evacuate hot, underhood air if placed towards the rear.