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CB radio any good for a long trip?

great white

Well-Known Member
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Canada's Ocean Playground
As some of you already know, I may have a long trip pulling a 35 foot TT this summer:


Unfortunately, it's travel for a work move, not fun.

I'm just wondering if there's any use to installing a CB radio in the truck?

Or is it pretty much gone by the wayside now and useless?

I was thinking of picking up a cobra 29 (used or new, doesn't matter) or something similar. Somewhere around 100-150 bucks, all in, after sourcing an antenna.

It would be nice to get some real time local info on traffic, police, wrecks, road conditions, etc....does that stuff still come across like it did way back a couple decades ago?

Is there any sense to getting on with weather bands, or is that just a waste of time outside of major cities (why you would bother transmitting weather in major cities anyways escapes me)?

Any input?
Sadly CB's are not what they were 10+ years ago. They work where cell phones don't and for some gravel loading yards. The antenna hitting things was about all the use I got out of my CB in 2008 in over 85K of USA and Canada travels. Speaking a 2nd language is a must on them now.

The old info and reports do not come across on them as much anymore.

The only time I could have used it - well the batteries and most electrical had popped fuses after the Elk encounter and Cell phone worked good enough to report it, but, not take calls.

Go used and verify the unit works after install. I doubt you will use it much. My new in 2008 unit just isn't worth it to install in my replacement truck as I have other more pressing projects to do.

The weather band we did use and that kept us out of big trouble - by flogging the hell out of the truck in a headwind pulling an RV due to beat a bad storm we knew was coming in. The storm flooded the area we would have stayed in otherwise. Lost money on that trip due to 7.5 MPG on the Duramax, but, didn't have to go swimming... (Flogging was driving by the coolant gauge just before overheating, reading 3/4 of max gauge sweep, and still under the speed limit.)
hit up a local truck stop CB shop....they usually have some decent used units and new stuff too. a 29 is pretty much a basic unit no frills other than the WX stations will be in the 100 range used...the antenna will run you some depending on what you want...I have a comtelco 48" steel whip style...small coil and easy to mount and wont break like a fiberglass/plastic whip will. just make sure you set the SWR's and mark that spot on the face of the CB so when it moves you know you are back in the right spot. I like having the WX stations to go to when the regular local radio isnt quite clear on whats really happening....

as for driver to driver info....it really depends on where you are. some areas the drivers are real good about Bears and chicken coups and local back ups...some areas you just have to ask a lot and hope for a answer. I have many a nice long ride ( 3+ hrs ) chatin it up with drivers going the same direction late night into wee morning hours.
Radio Shack sell a Midland with wx channels for $40.00. It is small and easy to mount. Mechant Automotive sells a bracket to mount the antenna at the rear of the front fender.

I use my CB to check on conditions or to get local info and where truck stops are located or just to chat with the drivers. They are still just as useful as they were. Sometimes it is real quiet and others some foul mouth ruins it for everyone.
that a neat little set up from Cobra...not sure on how much abuse it will take bouncing around on the dash or floor board/trans hump...would be interesting to try it out thou...
I pulled the trigger on a cobra 29 LTD NW WX BT. Figured if I was going in, might as well go deep and get what I wanted rather than regretting a less optioned/cheaper model.

Go deep or go home!


Funy thing is, as soon as it shows up I'm going to tear it apart, remote mount the face plate and do a custom install.....
Ive never ownd a vehicle without putting a CB in it the same day. Its the only peace of technology I need :D
Wish I'd have seen this post a week ago. I have a 29 LTD Classic with WX that I'd have sent for the cost of postage. I've had the thing on the shelf in the shop for a few years now. That and three or five glass sticks hanging on nails above the door. Day late and a penny short I am.

Wish I'd have seen this post a week ago. I have a 29 LTD Classic with WX that I'd have sent for the cost of postage. I've had the thing on the shelf in the shop for a few years now. That and three or five glass sticks hanging on nails above the door. Day late and a penny short I am.


Hey, if you're still willing to send the set out for the cost of postage, I'm interested.

Shoot me a PM if you read this.
