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Can't post pics anymore


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Near Peace River-Alberta
I got this new computer with windows 7 professional on it but there is no provision on it to make pics smaller and put them in a separate folder that I use to the site or to send with a email.
Windows 7 has no longer outlook express but some other program and I can email pics but I can no longer just save the attachments!:WTF:
my old puter had windows XP and it had outlook express which I used to email a pic, it provided a option to make the pic smaller before attaching it to an email and/or to save the now smaller pic attachment(s) to my documents. It was very easy to use for a puter dufus like me. :agreed:

So what are my options? , I am stumped!
MS Outlook is online now, Simon. Open up your web browser and type in www.outlook.com

If you had a Hotmail address, that will work in there, because Microsoft bought up Hotmail and merged it with Outlook.

As for re-sizing pictures, there are lots of ways to do that. My favourite is Irfanview (www.Irfanview.com).

There are a lot of ideas for handling pictures in the Computer Support Forum (under the sticky "Putting Pictures in your posts") http://www.thetruckstop.us/forum/showthread.php?6764-Putting-Pictures-in-your-Posts

Hope this helps. You will like Win7 once you get used to it.
I usually open pics with paint, pick home and resize then 1000 pixels wide and save. They always can be properly sized by the forum software then.
I get the message on TTS that the file is to large.

Your camera is probably maxed out on 'photo size' making the image way too big in width and height, thus big in file size (kilobytes or megabytes).

Try a setting around 1280 x 800 (16:9 wide screen format) or 1280 x 1024 (normal 4:3 format) if it offers such adjustment. (tell us your camera make/model if not sure and we'll look it up)

You're probably in the upper 2000's x 1000's right now, that's nice locally (takes up too much hard drive space IMO) but not what you want for sharing photos.

The school of thought here would be one of, capture the pics in a managable size to begin with.
The reason I suggested Irfanview is you can take pics at whatever resolution you want, open them in Irfanview, then save them at reduced size and resolution to a separate folder so you have forum-quality pics for uploading + your normal-quality pics for your own viewing