Well-Known Member
So wouldn't that just cause global warming in a different way..
Do not know.
From a theoretical standpoint, without exhaust gasses to trap heat, solar / wind generated heat should radiate back out to space more easily.
Whether the end result is worse than with exhaust gasses / particles, better than with exhaust gasses / particles, or a net zero sum gain is simply beyond my level of understanding. Put another way, I only know enough to ask the question. If anything, going solar / wind will reduce the amount of crud that we breathe.
..although considering some of the winters we get here in New York I'm not sure I believe in global warming
Oddly enough, winters with heavier than typical snowfalls are due to warmth (somewhere else). It is the extra heat which allows a greater content of water to enter the atmosphere.
Then there is nuclear where a small system can be armored against collision damage and used to power all types of vehicles this is the most cost effective.
Weak links with the current nuclear approaches are that the raw material for fuel looks like it is critically low and that every 20 years or so there is a catastrophic failure which reminds people of why they want to hate nuclear energy.
If we could get off of fission with all of its negative media coverage along with high waste storage costs and move over to fusion, chances are much better that we will get a good long term source of energy. The challenge holding back fusion for an energy source is that nobody has figured out how to reverse the cycle of putting more energy into it than what it produces.