Turbine Doc
Just Another Diesel Guy
I think unless I start racking up a LOT of highway miles per year, and need to reduce the number of oil changes to save some dough, then I would move to either this kind of centrifuge system, or possibly something like the Amsoil bypass or a FS-2500 from Heath.
Can anyone weigh in here?
Hi Rob was this directed at me ? As I recall you were interested in testing I was doing on 2500 vs Amsoil bad news that project went on hold when I parked the burb to do a body swap and I stopped racking up miles on the FS2500 setup.
Anyway, centrifugal purification is nothing new, I saw a similar article in Diesel Gas Turbine worldwide magazine, for marine diesels in crew boats and large ship propulsion. We also used centrifugal purification when I was USN but that was for large sumps 1600-2000 gal, which required supplemental heat which I don't see here, so effectiveness may not be optimal, but it does look promising as a different solution to age old problem of keeping oil clean.
I have been very satisfied with my Amsoil setup which gives good oil protection to 22K miles on samples I've run on mine. Negative is that filters are a consumable item, if centrifuge is a cleanable device with no elements to be replaced, over time it may be cost effective for someone who isn't already bypass filter equipped, it would probably not effective $$$ wise to pay for another system and swap them out as not enough miles to recoup investment of 2 auxiliary filtration systems.
Leroy since you've been running one I highly suggest you team up with a sample lab to have some data to go with you offering as you know the 6.5 crowd is pretty tight with $$$, so "proof" is a big thing with this crowd. I'd start with a sample of oil in crankcase now, vs another in say 3k miles to see if there is either an improvement or stabilization of oil cleanliness.