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I've seen a couple of UOAs with Delvac 1 in TDIs and they have been excellent.
This oil doesn't meet the VW specs for use in the CR engines because the sulfated ash (1.0%) is greater than the 0.6% in the VW spec and it's heavier instead of their 5w30. I highly doubt that small difference is going to shorten the life of the DPF by any significant amount. I know the trend is to use thinner oils for better economy, but for something that cooks the oil at 240* like these engines I feel better using a 5w40 HDEO.
This oil doesn't meet the VW specs for use in the CR engines because the sulfated ash (1.0%) is greater than the 0.6% in the VW spec and it's heavier instead of their 5w30. I highly doubt that small difference is going to shorten the life of the DPF by any significant amount. I know the trend is to use thinner oils for better economy, but for something that cooks the oil at 240* like these engines I feel better using a 5w40 HDEO.