135' diagonal 16:9HD, 25KW sound!
@dbrannon79, you can keep your ERCOT utility bills. My Budget Plan for electricity on my 1800ft² total house, is about $90/month. Water/sewer is City-owned, runs about $50 every two month billing cycle (I don't water the yard, do 1-2 loads of laundry a week, don'tuse the dishwasher any more, do them by hand, both toilets are 1.2 gpf, usually am billed for the Minimum Usage Amount. Sometimes I'm billed for two units in a month, as the meter reading rounds up from the partial the month before. Private contractor for garbage service, multiple companies competing in this part of the city, $13/month for once weekly p/u, $17/mo for twice weekly p/u. The only downside is that our Governor is almost as nuts as yours is, he just hasn't gotten Covid, yet.
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