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Other An Auction from an old friend, now deceased


Well-Known Member
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Miles City, Montana
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My sister and BIL purchased the old Clark Street Service here in Miles City. Reece, the owner had collected for a lot of years. You might say he was a hoarder. Every building He owned was chock full to the ceiling. LOL
BIL and sis bought his shop, lock stock and barrel and an auctioneer is selling it off. I dont know about shipping items but it might be possible that I can handle that if anyone wants to bid on anything.
Old Reece was a good old egg and always ready to help out those in need. He was always willing to come over and teach Me about automatic transmission rebuilding.
I'd love to roll around in that pile like Scrooge McDuck and his gold coins in his vault! Some really cool stuff in that. Thanks for sharing!
I did that. LOL
I'd find ALL KINDS of stuff I didn't know I needed...
I did that too then, walked away. My sheds is all full and although I dont have the storage capacity that He had, I`m just as crowded in the ones I do have. LOL