Tropical 6.5er
Yesterday, late in the morning I came to visit my father in law, Maurice, who's just finishing to install his rebuilt 6.5
I just saw the truck with open hood and nobody around. As parking my rig, I saw my mother in law saying something is wrong with the truck, and Maurice tried to start it for an hour now and didn't succeed.
I found Maurice sitting under a big tree, with sad eyes.
I asked him what's going wrong.
He said : "Al, this f... engine is hydro locked, I have to pull out the heads, again."
Then we go to the truck and he tried to crank. The fact is that the only thing we can hear was a strong "click" and nothing else.
I look at the surge tank :full
I told him : how can you hydrolock your engine, no liquid is missing, and you don't even have started it previously
I bet this is an electrical gremlin. I closely look at the starter, all wires connected, I checked driver battery, OK, the passenger battery.... and I discover the power cable to the starter laying under the battery holder.
I can't described you the face of Maurice when I call him, showing him the cable and asking : Maurice! What is that cable for ?
The only answer I get was
He jump on his tools to connect it while I was myself sitting under the tree :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
After he connected the cable and I finally calm down, we crancked the truck with no problems, just time to bleed air in injectors, and she fires perfect
That was yesterday, and I'm still smiling while typing this
So, when something seems wrong, always check twice before you decide to part out the engine to find the solution....
I just saw the truck with open hood and nobody around. As parking my rig, I saw my mother in law saying something is wrong with the truck, and Maurice tried to start it for an hour now and didn't succeed.
I found Maurice sitting under a big tree, with sad eyes.
I asked him what's going wrong.
He said : "Al, this f... engine is hydro locked, I have to pull out the heads, again."
Then we go to the truck and he tried to crank. The fact is that the only thing we can hear was a strong "click" and nothing else.
I look at the surge tank :full
I told him : how can you hydrolock your engine, no liquid is missing, and you don't even have started it previously
I bet this is an electrical gremlin. I closely look at the starter, all wires connected, I checked driver battery, OK, the passenger battery.... and I discover the power cable to the starter laying under the battery holder.
I can't described you the face of Maurice when I call him, showing him the cable and asking : Maurice! What is that cable for ?
The only answer I get was
He jump on his tools to connect it while I was myself sitting under the tree :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
After he connected the cable and I finally calm down, we crancked the truck with no problems, just time to bleed air in injectors, and she fires perfect
That was yesterday, and I'm still smiling while typing this
So, when something seems wrong, always check twice before you decide to part out the engine to find the solution....